Set up a new Area if you do not have one created already by clicking on the 'Add area button' on event level.
On the 'Add area' window insert Area name, pass quantities and any other relevant information for the Area you want to add. At the bottom of the window to add the details of your first 'Area manager'. Once all the info has been input click 'Create'.
Once the Area has been added click on this from event level to open the area details. Once in, look at the 'Managers' box on the top right hand side of the page and then click on the 'Person+ icon'.
A window will now appear. Input the details of the manager you want to add in this Area. Make sure you tick the 'Send login email' before you click on the 'Add' button. This will allow your second Area Manager to login to this Section.
Once you've done that you'll see your second Area Manager in the Managers box. You can add as many managers to an area as you like, just repeat the steps.