You may like to add specific information into your email templates based on which pass types have been assigned to someone. For example, if they have a Guest pass they may need to go to a different entrance than Crew. Or you may wish to provide specific information for Build & Break pass holders.
When editing email templates, you can select Placeholder - {Brackets} that auto-fill with information within your eventree event, such as {EVENT_NAME} or the person's {NAME}.
Open the placeholders window, scroll down and find the 'Conditional Sections' placeholders. There are two elements to this:
1) 'Category' brackets - information between these bookend placeholders will appear for people assigned any passes within a pass category, for example, for *any* vehicle passes.
2) 'Ticket' brackets - information between these bookend placeholders will appear based on specific pass types.
Here's a couple of examples:
If someone is just assigned a H&S Wristband they will only get the relevant information:
If they are assigned both a H&S wristband AND a pass from within the vehicle passes category, they get both bits of conditional information: