Perhaps you've blocked any passes being sent out until a set time and now want to send everything in bulk? Or perhaps you just want to make sure that everyone's allocated passes have been sent to them, to fill any gaps in entries? So how do send unsent passes event-wide.
1) If you are looking from event level (where you can see all Areas at once) click on 'Select an action' and then click on 'Bulk email'
NOTE: If you send from event level, it will send the event level e-ticket email template, and not the respective area-level templates.
2)You will then find yourself on this page. Click 'Add condition'.
3) Then select these options & 'Apply condition', User type > is > 'Individual'
'Ticket status' > is any of the following > 'unsent'
Then click 'Select an action' and then 'Send Email'
This will open up this window. Ensure you select 'eticket email' and then hit 'Send'!