This article will show you how to use Forms in Eventree to start taking payments.
Before we start, it's worth noting that currently all payments need to go into your PayPal account. The person making the payment can either use their own PayPal account or a credit/debit card, but you'll need a PayPal account in order to receive the payment.
1 - Create a new application form
At event level (i.e. not within an area or sub-area) go to Applications > Application forms and create a new form. You can modify an existing form to add payments to it but if you've already received form submissions you might find it easier to start with a new one.
2 - Assign costs to items
Whenever you add a question type where things can be selected (e.g. radio buttons, dropdown list etc) you can assign a cost to each item:
(Want to add lots of options? Try using the 'Add range of options' button to add them all at once)
3 - Present the user with a total
You can either add a 'total' question which will add up items with costs on your form, or a 'calculation' question which lets you use items on your form in more complicated calculations (e.g. if you want to add VAT)
Total question:
Calculation question:
4 - Save your form
Save the application form, go back to your event and select Application types from the left menu.
5 - Create a new application type
Create an application type to publish your form.ย
6 - Add payment settings
When you get as far as 'Payment details' tick the box to say that payment is required.ย
Then enter either a fixed payment amount (everyone pays the same amount) or select a question on your form which tells the user how much they have to pay. In my example I've picked the calculation field 'Total to pay'
Finally, enter your PayPal username so Eventree knows where to direct them for payment.
7 - All done!
If you've followed these instructions you should now have a form which will direct users to PayPal to make a payment when they submit it. The payment could be a fixed amount / flat fee or it could be variable based on their answers to questions on the form.