Stage 1: Forms
Forms are great for a number of things. They can be used to encourage people to apply for roles at your festival, such as volunteering or performing. They can also be used to gather information from people, such as descriptions of food stalls and documents such as Risk Assessments, Insurance, ID or even Menus.
To create a form you must be an Event Admin.
Go to Applications - Application forms from the side menu then click '+ Create application form' box at the top.
A quick start guide will appear on the screen to get you started:
Welcome to the application form builder.
We've added a few sample fields to your form to get you started. If you want to edit or remove these you can do so by clicking on the icons which will appear when you hover over each field:
To add new fields simply drag them in from the toolbox on the right. You can customise them once they've been added to your form.
Linked/Shared Fields
If you want to make it really easy for people to apply we recommend using as many shared questions as you can. These are questions which other people are including on their application forms and Eventree will auto complete these answers on behalf of the applicant. Shared questions are marked with this little chain icon:
Do not use Shared questions for things such as Next of Kin or Referee Details as the data will save as if it belongs to the person completing the form.
Fields to drag over into your form are displayed on the right hand side under the Save and Back to event buttons. You can also just click the field and it will add to the bottom of your form.
You can scroll down this box using the slider to view even more options to drag onto your form.
Inserting fields into your form
Each field has its own header/label, so when you drag it over and click the edit icon, you have the chance to put it in. For example, when you drag over the Mobile number field, you can change the label if you wish:
Hint Text gives the applicant more detail underneath the field label if you need to give them extra help with what goes in that field.
You cannot preview your form until you have finished setting it up in Application types.
Move onto Part 2 of form building