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How can I assign a dependent pass

This article shows you how to assign dependent passes in Eventree

Written by Eventree
Updated over 2 years ago

Dependent passes in Eventree are a special type of pass which needs to be linked to a responsible adult. For example, a child pass is a dependent pass because the child you give it to is the dependent of an adult who must also be attending the event.

Assigning dependent passes to children is slightly more complicated than assigning normal passes. Because of this you must assign them in List View rather than Grid View. You can switch views using the left menu, or if you don't have a left menu there should be a 'List view' button in the top right corner.

Once you're in List View you will need to make sure that the adult has been added first and given their pass.Β 

Assuming this has been done, click the 'Add new' button and select 'Add individual'

Complete the form to enter the child's details then proceed to the screen where you allocate their pass. Select the child pass from the drop down box:

Eventree will now ask you to select the responsible adult for this child:

Select the correct adult:

And click 'Save'.

Congratulations! You've just assigned your first dependent pass!

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