If you wish to edit the email templates for EVERYONE in your event please follow the below instructions:
Go to ‘Event Settings’
Click ‘Email Templates’
Here you will be able to see the templates for your:
Email Footer - this is attached to all emails at the bottom
eTicket Email - this email is what people receive when you send their e-pass to them (the e-pass is attached to the email body)
Area Manager Login Email - this is the email people receive when they have been made the Area Manager of an Area. It will give them a link to log in and also a breakdown of what Passes they have been allocated for that area
Individual Deleted Email - this is the email that someone will receive when they were originally in the event with a ticket but then they were removed
Admin Login Email - this is the email newly added admins will receive to say they have been given admin access to an event
Group Leader Email - similar to the area manager email this email will tell someone that they have been made a group leader and also a breakdown of what Passes they have been allocated
You can edit any of these templates from this page and the changes will be pushed down through the whole event
You can also use {placeholders} which will automatically populate information in the emails, for example anything you see in {these} below will be automatically filled in when any emails are sent:
You can also use more placeholders which can be viewed by clicking ‘Placeholders’ in the top right-hand corner of any edit box.
If you wish to edit the email templates that your APPLICANTS will receive please follow the below instructions:
Go to ‘Event Settings’
Click ‘Application System’
Here you will be able to see the templates for your:
Application Approved Email - This is the email an applicant will receive when they have been accepted
Application ‘No’ Email - This is the email the applicant will receive when they are rejected
Document Upload Feedback Email - This is the email your applicant will receive when you as the organisers leave a comment on one of their documents
Application Deleted Email - This is what someone receives when the actual form within Eventree has been removed therefore deleting any submitted applications for that specific forms
Other handy tips to remember when editing emails
If you go into a area and then click ‘Settings’ and then ‘Email Templates’ WITHIN that area and then edit the templates from there - this will only change the templates for the people within that area.
An example of this would be if you wanted your volunteers to arrive at a certain entrance and report to someone in particular you can edit their ‘e ticket email’ within the volunteer area to include the specific information.
If you wish to send people within your event an attachment (eg Onsite T&C’s) these can be uploaded to your event by going to ‘Settings’ then ‘Uploads’
Once your documents have been uploaded you will then notice when you next send an email that they appear as a tick box option to attach to any correspondence that you are sending out via Eventree.
When editing emails for your application system you can pull through the answers to your applicant’s questions into the email responses.
An example of this would be - if you were using Eventree for your local residents passes and people had to ask for how many they wanted and then the organiser needed to confirm back to the applicant how many they have asked for then you can use a placeholder for Eventree to then pull through the applicants answer into that email automatically