At times you may want to restrict who can send emails from the system or restrict certain types of email sending.
To prevent all emails from being sent:
To stop all emails from being sent across the system go to:
Event Settings > Core settings
Find Email/SMS and untick:
"Enable site emailing"
To restrict particular emails or particular roles:
If your restrictions are a little more specific then you can use Event settings > Event Permissions.
Under Event Permissions you can customise which roles have access to a selection of permissions.
These are the key permissions relating to email sending:
Send Pass Emails - These are the emails which contain the QR code for getting on site.
Send Payment Emails - The emails sent requesting payment for paid-for passes for guests.
Send Login Emails - The emails that are sent to Area managers, Sub-area managers or Group leaders that invite them to log in to the system.
Send Emails - Sending any email from the system. This overrides the other event permissions relating to emailing.